Re: In reply to comments about new policy
Thu, 1 Dec 1994 15:51:05 -0500 (EST)

Bela Lubkin writes:
> I'm not trying to make excuses for SCO: 8LGM did tell us about these
> bugs quite a while ago (though in inconsistent fashion).  We were
> slacking; we'd had more than enough time to produce fixes.  We didn't
> really start working on it until they said they were going to post the
> advisories.  (That is, we'd checked fixes into future sources, but
> hadn't gone back to create binaries that would be compatible with our
> shipping products).  We started working in earnest on a set of fixes
> when they told us they were going to post the advisories.  My complaint
> is that after we told them this, they refused to delay the advisories
> long enough for us to deliver those fixes.  (They have now been
> delivered, in haste and poorly packaged).

cat . . . bag  . . . out

evidence . . .

|Rick Cochran		  				     607-255-7223|
|Cornell Materials Science Center|
|E20 Clark Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853	     cornell!!rick|
|	    "Workstations - I bet you can't eat just one!"		 |